

affordable housing - search results

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10 Things Your Landlord is Required To And Not to Provide

From peepholes and chain guards to window screens and ACs, renters in NYC should know what their landlords are and aren't required to provide...

5 Real Estate Trends to Expect in 2022

Update: While housing prices haven't risen as much in previous years, on average they have still risen by 8%. As we approach the tail end...

What is the future of commercial real estate in NYC?

In March 2020, the world came to a stop. In the wake of the pandemic, cohorts of office workers were mandated to stay home...

The History of Pullman Kitchens

Finding an apartment in NYC is always exciting, and you never know what you will find. When I was looking for a new place,...

China Evergrande Pulls Stocks and Crypto Sharply Down Pre-Market

After a summer of only mild downticks and dips, equity and crypto investors woke up Monday September 20th to one of the largest weekend...

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