If you are looking to move to one of the five boroughs within the near future, I strongly recommend seeking out a roommate. Not only will it make your living costs cheaper, but you will have a familiar face in one of the largest cities in the world. Loneliness is a prominent feeling within many people nowadays due to the isolation the pandemic has forced us all into. Living alone is not as marketable anymore because the sacredness of it has become exploited into a common reality. Having a roommate could rekindle feelings of companionship that has been sorely missed during the COVID era. But you want to make sure your roommate is someone that you are comfortable around. Living in a space where you are constantly walking on eggshells is never enjoyable because your place of solace can quickly become unsettling for you. Ensuring that you can create a safe space in your home is crucial, but it is up to you to establish your needs and wants before-hand.
According to statistics provided by Wikipedia, in the New York City metropolitan area there are over 500,000+ folks that identify as being part of the LGBTQ+ community. If you or someone you know is looking for a LGBTQ+-friendly housing scenario to fill their desire of getting a roommate or just for the comfort in knowing they have a safe space, we got you.
First, it is important to understand and be aware of the issues LGBTQ+ folks face when trying to secure a habitat that is out of harm’s way. Writers at Housing Matters, a website that provides readers with information to provoke ideas about the possibility of safe housing scenarios for people regardless of circumstance, outlined five important facts about housing access for those that identify as LGBTQ+. To sum up the five points: LGBTQ+ youth are two times more likely to be homeless in comparison to heterosexual and cisgender youth. LGBTQ+, queergender, and questioning LGBTQ+ youth overall face a plethora of health complications. As of 2018 there are twenty-one states and the District of Columbia who have housing laws that protect people from facing discrimination due to sexual orientation and/or identity. Though, regardless of laws that are in place many gay men and transgender individuals still face prejudice when looking for housing. With enough focus on LGBTQ+ inclusion there is the potential for positive impact when it comes to providing LGBTQ+ homeless youth and seniors with stronger housing services.
To occupy a space in which you are comfortable is important for both your mental and physical health. There are many potential areas to explore in order to avoid danger or conflict at home. One of these ways is to combat the previously mentioned loneliness with another person that is LGBTQ+ friendly. Or perhaps you need a housing situation that provides a safer environment than your previous one. Whatever the situation may be, we have created a list of potential housing resources to help secure an LGBTQ+ friendly living scenario to assist you in your search.
Facebook Groups
If you have read any of my other articles you will know how big of a fan of Facebook groups I am. Especially when it comes to searching for a roommate. I have had nothing but success from using this function on one of the most popular social media sites in the world. With just a simple search, sifting through, and posting your own needs/wants, you could have the perfect living scenario in a matter of no time. The good thing is that you can discover specific groups that align with your interests in order to secure something that is catered toward you. Queer Housing New York City and The Gypsy Housing are two fantastic groups that have many LGBTQ+-friendly offerings. All you need to do is join the group of choice through your Facebook, create an introductory post that states what you’re looking for in a roommate/housing scenario, and wait for the messages to flood! From there you will be able to decide which situation is best for you.
Rainbow Roommates
Dating back to 1995, Rainbow Roommates, is the original LGBTQ+ roommate finder and roommate search service in NYC. They cover areas such as: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Westchester, Staten Island, Queens, the Bronx and New Jersey. Sourcing from profiles all around the world that are seeking housing in the Greater New York Metro Area, Rainbow Roommates provides the largest database for members of the LGBTQ+ community to find safe and affordable housing. It takes roughly around two weeks or less for their clients to find a roommate and place to live, but it is crucial to take your time and make sure all your needs are being met. You must pay a membership fee to use their service — $30 for a 15-day account, $50 for a 30-day account, and $93 for a 90-day account. Each membership option comes with different perks, but all of them include full use of their site as well as resources available through both in-person and over the phone appointments.
Being the country’s largest organization that caters to LGBTQ+ folks that are of an older adult age, SAGE offers many resources to those looking for safe housing options. Their current scenarios for LGBTQ+ friendly senior residences are closed, but you can fill out an application to receive updates on any new openings or potential scenarios. You also have the option to give them a call (212-741-2247) for any questions you may have regarding their services and/or resources.
Housing Works
Housing Works is a community of people that are affected by HIV/AIDS. In 1990, their company was founded on the basis of putting an end to homelessness within the LGBTQ+ community, while also assisting those living with HIV/AIDS. Through advocacy, outsourcing, and business models, Housing Works commits their efforts to ensure those affected by HIV/AIDS have access to quality housing. Their commitment to non-violent civil disobedience has assisted those in life-sustaining services, legal help when it comes to discrimination, and stigmas pertaining to health complications. The services that they provide can aid those seeking out reliable healthcare, meals, counseling, and housing assistance.
Carly is a freelance writer with interest in topics pertaining to lifestyle blogging, social justice, and anything to do with film/media. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison with a degree in English & Literary studies in hopes to write for a large music publication. When she is not writing, you can find her watching movies, cooking her famous Carbonara, and enjoying time outdoors.